Word from the family
In its daily activities, the Hoyer Group depends on the trust of its customers, suppliers, employees and the wider public as well as on the reputation of the company. In this respect, the family‘s name is representative of the company, however, the same applies to the behaviour of employees, managers and the management, who represent the external image of the entire group and thus also of the family. It is therefore particularly important to us as a family that our employees internalise the values of our company and live them every day, just as we do as the owner family.
The minimum requirements result from the respective applicable legal situation, nevertheless, we attach great importance to the fact that our employees as well as our business partners also share and promote the more far-reaching values defined herein at all times. We see ourselves as a responsible company for present and future generations, in accordance with our slogan: aware of the responsibility, committed to tradition.
Sustainability in the broader sense, but also legal compliance and integrity, are therefore not a necessary evil in the Hoyer Group, but rather an important part of our corporate strategy and reflect the family values to a large extent. We actively assume responsibility for our environment, our region, our employees and our society.
This Code of Conduct provides a support to help us and our employees to live this corporate strategy and our values every day. We are aware that the world is constantly changing and that new challenges and general conditions are constantly being faced by the company, which will require continuous adaptations and additions to the Code of Conduct. We have made it a priority task to monitor these changes and to react to them in good time and adapt the Code of Conduct accordingly.
We would like to thank our employees for their support through their compliance with these values and guidelines which makes not at least up a major pillar of our company‘s success and the basis for the orientation of an equally successful future, which is in the hands of every employee.
The family Hoyer
Accountability. Environmental Protection. Social.
The European Union and the United Nations are both important institutions for sustainable development. Sustainability goals cannot be achieved only through national efforts – European and international collaboration is essential.
More than nine billion people are expected to live on earth by 2050. They all have a right to be supplied with food, water, energy and raw materials. But how can we ensure the livelihood of a rapidly growing world population and at the same time preserve our existence in the long term? This is a question that we have to address on a global scale – the sooner the better.
The United Nations (UN) committed itself to the guiding principles of sustainable development more than 20 years ago. In Rio de Janeiro, they adopted a global action in 1992. With “Agenda 21”, each of the more than 170 signatory states declared themselves ready to nationally implement the guiding principles in all policy areas, with the participation of both society and business. Germany also signed this agreement.
The UN states met again in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012 to discuss global sustainable development.
Germany is committed to a global sustainable development which in particular aims to reduce poverty and support the UN’s mechanisms for protecting human rights. The aim is to achieve substantial improvements for an innovative Global Environmental and Development Policy (as written in the German Federal Government’s Sustainability Strategy).
Hoyer, with its headquarters in Visselhövede, has also made it a corporate mission to meet the needs of today’s generation with thought, sensibility and understanding, and without endangering the resources of future generations.
We see three core elements as essential to being able to fulfil our goals and implement a sustainable business policy: social responsibility, environmental protection, business ethics and compliance.
Sustainability is an important part of our corporate strategy at Hoyer – we actively take responsibility for our environment and for our society.
We and our subsidiaries are aware of our impact on the environment and society and promote all activities that protect the environment and improve social aspects.
We also want to constantly improve our processes and address the environmental and health protection requirements of tomorrow. We have made our sustainability policy with this in mind: sustainability as part of our corporate strategy.
The orientation of our company actions, operational processes and decisions has economic, ecological and social perspectives in mind. In this way, stresses can be minimized and preventive actions can be taken.
We encourage our suppliers to promote and share our published principles in their own supply chain as much as they possibly can.
We are aware of our social responsibility!
Compliance With Human Rights
Our employees (of all genders) and suppliers are required to respect and comply with internationally recognised human rights.
Discrimination Prohibited
No one is to be discriminated against on the basis of gender, age, ethnicity, descent, nationality, skin colour, religion, world view, political and trade union activity, sexual orientation, disability, illness or pregnancy.
Compliance With the Guidelines
Our Hoyer Code of Conduct is documented in the current employee handbook.
Fair Wages, Working Hours and Social Benefits
All our remuneration and social benefits strictly comply with the basic principles regarding minimum wage, applicable overtime regulations and statutory social benefits.
Child Labour Prohibited
Child labour is not tolerated at any stage of production or processing. We demand the same stance from all suppliers.
Forced Labour Prohibited
No one is made to do work against their will at Hoyer.
Health and Safety in the Workplace
As an employer, we ensure safety and health protection in the workplace at all our sites.
Regular Quality Control
We review the goals we have set for ourselves in annual internal and external audits in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2015.
Promotion of Education and Training
We offer our employees (of all genders) extensive further training in qualified internal and external training programs.
Regard For Workers’ Rights
As a company, we uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. We ensure that workers can openly discuss working conditions with company management without fear of reprisals.
Taking Social Responsibility
We help the general public in many ways when it comes to promoting charitable and social services and support many social projects, as well as sports clubs, kindergartens, food banks, animal welfare associations and many other causes.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our quality management team (qms@hoyer-energie.de).
Handling of Resources
We reduce the environmental impact of our companies as far as possible and use raw materials, energy, water and other commodities sparingly. At the same time, we take action at an early stage to reduce air and noise emissions. We invest in the use of renewable energies and use the best available technology for all new investments.
Returning our Packaging
We are committed to avoiding waste wherever possible. Where we cannot avoid it, we constantly strive to minimize it.
Of course, this also applies to the packaging of our products and what we do with it. You can help to ensure that as many raw materials as possible are fed back into the economic cycle by returning used packaging. You can find more information here:
ISO 50001 Energy Management System
We are an ISO 50001-certified company. This particularly helps us to systematically monitor our energy consumption, regularly look for energy efficiency measures and have them verified by external auditors. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our energy management team (ems@hoyer-energie.de).
Energy Savings
Our energy management system helps to increase energy efficiency in our company. It is a mechanism for continuously identifying energy saving possibilities.
CO₂ Reduction
We reduce the CO₂ emissions of our transports when using Hoyer fleet trucks through the availability of the most modern Euro trucks, as well as through expanding and promoting the use of combined transports.
Fuel Savings
With the development of new fuel-saving Diesel properties, such as our Future-Power-Diesel product, we are able to make a significant contribution to protecting our environment.
Product Development
Alongside the development of numerous lubricants, which are produced in our own lubricant factory and which contribute significantly to environmental relief, we have created a new heating oil product which also has the quality of reducing emissions through optimised combustion.
Technological Advancement
We ensure optimal environmental protection in all phases of lubricant and AUS 32 (Diesel exhaust fluid) production. We place particular importance on the application and further development of energy- and water-saving technologies.
Compliance With Environmental Standards
All manufactured products must meet the environmental standards of their respective market segment along the supply chain.
Safety Management
Our company has a well-developed hazardous materials and safety management system. This ensures that all our products are handled, transported, stored and disposed of safely.
Fair Competition
We comply with all laws that protect and promote competition, particularly anti-trust laws. In doing so, we observe fair competition and strictly adhere to the ban on collusion with competitors.
High Integrity
We expect the highest level of integrity in all business activities. Our employees (of all genders) and suppliers are requested to refrain from any form of fraud or breach of trust, insolvency offences, corruption, granting of advantages, bribery or inducements.
Prohibition of Corruption
Any form of corruption is strictly prohibited, in particular corruption, bribes and extortion aimed at influencing representatives of business partners, politics, administration, the judiciary and the general public.
Process of Continuous Improvement
We document and monitor the impact of our activities on the environment and society in order to identify weaknesses and identify opportunities for improvement. These are implemented as specific goals and measures and regularly reviewed.
Motivation For Sustainable Behavior
We motivate our employees (of all genders), customers, suppliers and contractual partners to behave in an environmentally conscious and sustainable way. We inform and train our employees (of all genders) on operational environmental protection. Our employees (of all genders) can submit suggestions for improvement when it comes to environmental protection and sustainability via the ideas management system (ideen@hoyer-energie.de).
We see ourselves as a conscientious company for present and future generations and are committed to the sustainable protection of our environment. We maintain an open dialogue with interested sections of the public and make relevant information accessible. We work together with authorities, associations and other institutions in a spirit of trust.
We understand the legal regulations on environmental protection as the minimum requirements that we meet and continuously exceed on our own initiative.